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Native American Seed

Plants for Birds - Pink Evening Primrose - Small Pack (Native American Seed)

Plants for Birds - Pink Evening Primrose - Small Pack (Native American Seed)

Regular price $3.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.49 USD
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Oenothera speciosa

In spring, the Pink Evening Primrose is evident up and down the roads of Texas, and often in the vacant lots in the cities. It is an easy plant, native to prairies and open woodlands throughout Texas. It behaves a bit differently according to its location. Generally speaking, it is everblooming, as long as it gets water. It goes dormant with freezing temperatures, or lack of water. We suggest that you plant Pink Evening Primrose in a lawn, or prairie setting. It colonizes by rhizomes, so you wouldn't want it in your flower border. Plant it with Prairie Verbena for a spring-time show you won't soon forget!

This size is a PKT for 50 sq ft

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